Monday, November 16, 2009

My dog has horrible skin allergies. Any way I can get rid of???

All day and night my dog is itching and scratching at her paws and rubbing her back on things. She has these horrible skin allergies and I am trying to find a way to help her. Sometimes it sounds like she is in pain when itching and my parents think we should put her down as a lot of what we tried hasn't worked. This is a last ditch effort so anyone have any ideas as to what i can do to try and help her???

My dog has horrible skin allergies. Any way I can get rid of???

Oatmeal is a great thing for skin. It helps to soothe and smooth skin for everyone, including dogs. Give your dog an oatmeal bath, which you can get from your vet or from Walgreens' drug store. Aveeno makes one.

If you can't find oatmeal soap or an oatmeal bath, run some dry whole oats through the blender and mix it with water and soothe the doggy skin with it.

He'll appreciate this no end!
Reply:What are you feeding this animal? We need to start there...

Edit to Add:

I think I might switch vets if I were you. Also, try adding some Salmon Oil to the dog's diet. Helped with my Chi's 'dandruff.' Lastly, though I'm not a vet, that seems like WAY too frequent a bath for a dog. Make sure you're using tepid water, not hot water or cold water.

Without knowing your dog sweetie, it's hard to really say. Does she need a haircut? Do you brush her everyday? Where does she sleep..... does she have fleas?

Have you spoken with your vetrinarian about giving the animal some children's Benedryl to help manage the itching?

I wish I could help you and your dog. All the best.
Reply:Have you talked to your vet? That should be your first stop.

Had her thyroid checked?

Is it hot spots?

Mange mites?

Is she eating a food that contains corn or wheat or soy? If yes to any of those ingredients get her onto DECENT food (nothing from the grocery store) - Canidae or Eagle Pack or Wellness Simple Solutions.

Put a little apple cider vinegar in her water bowl.

Give her a tablespoon of plain yogurt on her dinner bowl.

Infrequent baths but use a DOG shampoo with oatmeal, so you don't strip the coat.
Reply:We need to know what you are feeding her, and what you are using to bathe her and how often. Try not bathing her for a while. Once a month is suffice. you can also purchase soothing aloe baby wipes for between bathing and see if that helps.
Reply:Try vegetarian dog food. You can purchase it at Petsmart.A lot of times its the meat and rice in dog food.
Reply:Why would your parents give up that quick and want to put it down just because of a allergy???. I would start off with the food your dog is eating including dog treats. Also watch what you bathe her in. Dogs that have skin allergies are more sensitive to foods high in wheat/corn. Stay away from those 2 ingredients. Good luck! And I hope your parents don't put your dog down because of that.
Reply:Food allergies. Period!!!

Research BARF and do it for a month!!!

You will never go back to commercial crap!
Reply:You certainly don't have to put her down. It's could be an environmental or food allergy.

My Mother's dog has allergies to pollen and has the same symptoms as yours. When she sent him here to New York to live with my sister, the symptoms went away because there are fewer trees and plants where she lives.

You really need to speak with a vet because the solution might be a very simple one. I can't believe that your parents would rather kill an animal than ask a vet's advice.
Reply:first try a special shampoo that moisturizes the skin because that;s mainly why your'e dog is itching. Cause of dry skin. It could also be flee's or tics and there's a shampoo for that too. You can get it at petsmart or any other pet place.
Reply:I have a golden retriever. (a dog with cronic allergies). My vet suggested that before I take him for allergy shots (which is a very expensive peocess) that I switch his food to a non allergetic brand called Hills Science Diet ZD. (sold only at vets.) So I did that and within 3 to 4 weeks the itching was cut by more than half. Then a friend suggested that I try an over the counter drug for people called benedryl. So I did and my dog barely itches anymore at all. I swear these two combinations worked for my dogs problem. And his problems were severe. He use to itch all the time. (literally) If I change his food or if I stop his benedryl he starts itching again.
Reply:If your vet can't fix it, have him recommend an animal dermatologist, surely he will be able to help. If not, I'm afraid you may have to euthanize her, hard as that will be, but an incessant itch can be a living hell.
Reply:okay take her to the vet. I used to have a dog that was allergic to flys and the dog i have now is allergic to flees when he has them he will bite and scratch until he bleeds but when we put flee med. on him hes fine...
Reply:Your dog could be allergic to grass. My sister has 2 Maltese and they are allergic to pretty much everything outside.

Sounds to me like you guys are bathing her WAY too much. Dogs don't need baths that much, and constant washing just rips the natural skin oils away.
Reply:You are bathing your dog way too much. Alot of dogs have allergies. My dog has allergies as well. After experimenting with her dog food I found one that actually seems to work for her thats holistic blend. I also put flax seed oil in her dog food. It has made her skin very shinny and alot less itchy. On the really bad days which are far and few between I give her a nonsteroidal antihistamine that was perscirbed by her vet . I cant emagine puting my dog to sleep because of her allergies. Other than her allergies she is a very happy healthy dog.
Reply:go to good expensive vet
Reply:I had a Pug with bad skin allergies. My vet said to give him Benedryl..1 mg per lb they worked for him and also help calm dogs afraid of storms.
Reply:Why are you wasting time writing on this site. Your dog sounds as if he's in agony. You shoul have taken him to the vets immediately. It's probably just a simple case of fleas that have got out of control. You say you've tried a lot which sounds like you haven't even bothered to take him to the vet. That then sounds like a case of negligence allowing your dog to suffer so much.

why have you not contacted a Veterinarian about this?

Vets have more knowlege about skin conditions %26amp; rashes then your parents!!

They have inexpensive prescriptions!

If its allergies!!!

Euthanasia is a bit ridiculous when you have not sought out help from a Vet 1st.

Would your parents put you down if you developed Eczema??

people like your IGNORANT parents, should not own any pets!!!

if they believe in killing an animal, simply because they don't know whats wrong with it??? They're CRAZY !!!!!


I hope your parents NEVER own a pet if that's how they cure any ailments!!!

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