Monday, November 16, 2009

My daughter has broken out in small lumps on her arms, legs and chest, like mesquito bites, under the skin?

Has anyone any idea what this could be, she's 20 years old and has no insurance, she showed them to me last night, and it looks like she was attacked by mesquitos, with upraised lines as well, no scabs and no itching involved, just upraised bumps, not red just upraised skin, can anyone tell me if they are familiare with this type of skin problem, she doesn't have a fever with it either. We live in NJ and the temperature has risen to almost 90 degrees in the past 4 days, could it be a form of prickly heat, or something to do with the sudden upthrust of heat in the area, after having lower temperatures in the 60's and 70's? Could it be an allergy, please let me know if it's something serious. Thanks.

My daughter has broken out in small lumps on her arms, legs and chest, like mesquito bites, under the skin?
It may be chiggers, as she been in woods or tall grass? Best have it looked at by her doctor
Reply:maybe pimples or goosebumps
Reply:she should see the doctor asap
Reply:sounds more like allergy to me
Reply:I believe that's called chicken pox
Reply:That sounds exactly what my poison ivy looks like before it completly breaks out. take come benedryl to fight off any impending allergic reaction

The bumps appear first, and weird red lines and within a few days a complete break out will happen. It does not itch till it breaks the skin
Reply:it could be heat rash and usually it doesn't itch until you get sweaty . I would suggest golds bond lotion and wait for a couple of days usually heat rash well turn into dry spots when it is healing .
Reply:That happens to me on my arms becuase im allergic to cats and when there is a cat nearby well i first get itchy and i get those bumps . so she might be allergic to something
Reply:no way! i have something really similar....but mine itch, i'm pretty sure they're spider bites (i'm outside a lot) so that might be it for her?
Reply:Might be a heat rash , I`ve had something just like that and it goes away after a few days , take her to an air conditioned place like a mall and take cool baths .It works.
Reply:OOO, according to CDC, that is the symptoms to MANY...horrific disease. However, it could also be nothing more then a simple misquto bite attack. i say get her checked out, better to be safe then sorry.

Look at for the specific desases.
Reply:If it sounds like a horse , don't look for a zebra. meaning it's probably mosquito bites
Reply:strange I have been having what sounds to be the same thing here in Wisconsin as well as my roommate like a rash almost someone else on here when I posted the same question someone said it could be something as simple as a change in laundry detergent or body wash
Reply:It sounds like hives - but hives usually itch. Try some benedryl and see if it is an allergy. If it is allergy related benedryl will take care of it. If its not then she should see a dermatologist.
Reply:I have metal allergies that rear up fiercely in the summer heat. It only takes about 5 minutes in the sun for a necklace to make my entire neck break out in hives. But they burn and itch.

See if there is a medi-clinic in the area and take her there; or if she is in school have her go to the health center.
Reply:That's very weird,.....................

she's 20, maybe if she went to school she could get medicaid..then she could get that checked out..

It's not a heat rash because those are usually red bumps everywhere..
Reply:It might just be an allergy. Has she tried an OTC allergy med? If you don't think it's that: Has she been to the Jersey shore or other beach? Sand fleas can cause that. (Fleas in general can). Also scabies can cause those symptoms (little bugs that get under your skin - you can't tell they are bugs).
Reply:It could be KP (keratosis pilaris) a hereditary follicle disorder. Or maybe some sort of hives? Probably not though hives are itchy as are bites, poison ivy, chicken pox and allergies. The weather can also cause flare ups of k.p and exacerbate things.
Reply:I may be wrong but a year ago I was 19 and I had the same symptoms and it ended up being chicken pox :-( I know chicken pox at 19.
Reply:it might be her body lotion or some new skin product she is using in the shower ask her if she changed her choice in skin products or if she has tried any new foods I'm not a doctor but...................?
Reply:It sounds like she is having flare-up of wheal,or better known as urticarial rash.If it is a wheal-then it is an allergic reaction,which is associated with itchiness.

But in her case,she has no itchiness.Another possibility is photodermatitis,since it is summer in NJ..A skin reaction to sunlight,which is characterised by raised skin rash,but usually it is red.I would suggest the best thing to do is to consult a dermatologist opinion!
Reply:Sounds like scabies. She needs to go to a clinic/Dr. and get treatment.
Reply:Sounds like poison ivy- soak a bar of fels naphtha in a small dish of water until it gets gooey- then spread that over the area. let it dry and then rinse gently with warm water. If you can't find fels naphtha try yellow dial soap.
Reply:NO ITCHING can rule out a lot things, like hives, poison rashes, and bites. Get her to the ER pronto. She needs to see a doctor. Go Now!!! Hope its nothing but guessing won't make it go away. Good Luck honey Hope all is well.

star of bethlehem

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