Friday, November 20, 2009

Advice Please! I think my son has skin allergies.?

My son has had skin issues all of his life. He breaks out into this red itchy rash all over. It is always worse in the spring and summer. It's still around the rest of the year, just not as bad. I have taken him to his pediatrition TWICE! She said it is ezema, and has given him eledal, and told me the usual, soap free products, yada yada.............Well we have done all of that and it does not help. Now the past few days he looks worse than he has ever! Almost looks like he has poison ivy all over his body or something which i know thats not what it is. He is just miserable. I have given him benydral, which seems to help a little maybe. Anyway, I am calling his dr tommorrow, and i want him to see a specialist.............Should I take him to a derm. or an allergist.........or both??? Any advice on this will be helpful!!

Thank You

Advice Please! I think my son has skin allergies.?
our baby girl has this too,and so far benydral has helped along with a low dose of singular. she looks like she has a horrible case of measles if were even late an hour with the meds. shes going this week to the allergist to have the tests done. she also has a new cream,benzaclin instead of the elidel. hope you have better luck!
Reply:Pediatric Allergist. I give my daughter Clairitn everyday throughout the summer months bc she breaks out in hives from the grass. Its awful for her so I know where you are coming from.
Reply:i have exzema and i don't get rashes like that all over my body and i have it pretty bad. aveeno oatmeal baths and aquafor helps really good with that. if he scratches a lot the aquafor will help with that you should take him to the dermatolagist and maybe the hospital to run some test.
Reply:I'd say a dermatologist first unless you're absolutely sure it's an allergy. It may be a skin condition that mimics an allergy. The dermatologist would be able to tell the difference I'm sure.

If the dermatologist thinks it's simply an allergy then you can get a referral to an allergist either from the dermatologist or from your son's regular physician.

Good luck.
Reply:Daily allergy meds may help too. They helped with my mild ezema. Make sure to get things scent free too. I've noticed that some detergents aren't even mild enough at times. I'd personally start with a derm, but an allergist might not be a bad idea considering a lot of ezcema is often allergies. If nothing else, get a different opinion than just the doctor you are dealing with now.
Reply:A dermatologist. He/she will also be able to diagnose an allergy where as the allergist will have trouble with other skin conditions.

Eczema often has friends. Atopic Dermatis, dermagraphatis, rosacea, allergies, sensitivities... those are just what I have with my skin. There is a LIST of them that often go together.

It could be anything from an allergy to nerves. Starting right now keep a journal; foods eaten, weather, skin effects, activities in that day, type of cleansers used....

It will help the dermatologist diagnose EVERYTHING happening.
Reply:Food allergies are usually responsible for eczema (as opposed to seasonal allergies). My son had severe eczema as an infant and has several food allergies, some of them life-threatening. By the way, the cream you mentioned should not be pediatrician told us to stop now comes with some sort of warning. I would recommend seeing a pediatric allergist...they can run tests to see exactly what your child is allergic to, and can work with you on how to treat it. In the meantime, if you don't have something like aveeno, try putting a big cupful of oatmeal in a cheesecloth, or some sort of loosely wooven fabric and tie it up and fill the tub with warm water and throw it in and squeeze it every so often to extract the oatmeal 'goo'. Another warning, if you use benedryl, don't use more than recommended and if you use the spray or cream, be careful not to put it over large areas of the is a drug and will be absorbed through the skin and it is easy to overdo it on a child. Be sure if any of the rash is open or oozing to keep it clean (antibiotic ointment) and if necessary cover loosely with gauze and see the doctor! Hope he feels better soon. IF YOU NOTICE ANY DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING...SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION ASAP!!!
Reply:probably both, maybe the skin problem is not always worsened by outside effects but by his food intake. Lots of people have protein, dairy or nut allergies as well as hayfever

star of bethlehem

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