Thursday, May 7, 2009

My family has a Springer Spaniel who chews his front and back legs. Any suggestions to make him stop?

He has allergies, but we've tried everything from hydrocortisone spray to Sulfodene to No-Chew Spray with Bitrex (a bittering agent) to try to make him stop. However, he just sits there and just licks and chews until his skin is raw or bloody. We spray him with anti-bacterial spray to help the skin heal. Any suggestions on how to make him stop chewing?

My family has a Springer Spaniel who chews his front and back legs. Any suggestions to make him stop?
have you had him to the vet? sometimes benadryl can help ease the discomfort for the dog, but can make them drowsy. make sure you get a dose from your vet and not from someone on here. if nothing is working you might want to look into having him allergy tested to find out what is causing the allergy. if it is food or something you can do something about like removing the object he is allergic to that will help. also you can get him allergy shots that will help ease his itching during his allergy season. until you find out what is causing the allergy he will continue to chew. don't go changing his food around without knowing for sure it's the food, all you will accomplish is stomach upset. leg wraps will only give him something else to chew through before he gets to his legs and can cause more issues with his tender skin. the only thing you can do to stop him would be to place a e-collar on him, which for long term use would be miserable not only for the dog but for you and your legs. good luck.
Reply:well try bitter apple or wrapping his paws so he cant get to them.
Reply:Youve probably already done this but change his diet or walk him somewhere else
Reply:This could be nervous behavior. A 30-60 minute walk every day could help. Also, give him something to chew on that won't hurt him. Chew toys, nylabones, real bones(the ones that okay, like a raw beef leg bone not little ones) and make sure they are available.

benedryl is what we have always given our dogs for most allergies. The only way to get them to stop chewing is to put something on there that tastes so bad he won't do it. I've used vinegar based pepper sauce. I put some on an open wound on myself before I put it on the dog to make sure it wouldn't hurt. it didn't, but the dog didn't hated the taste enough that she stopped chewing her feet.
Reply:you should train him to stop. say no or lightly spank him on his butt if he does it. let him know that you're angry. dogs can sense that furious tone in your voice. try asking your local vet if this doesnt work out for you
Reply:My dachsund does the same thing, she is allergic to grass. We give her half a benedryl each day and always wipe her feet with a baby wipe when she comes in from outside. She is also allergic to food proteins. If they aren't small enough they giver her a reaction. SO, we have to feed her a special dog food that is prescribed by the vet. I would consider talking to the vet about some of this, it isn't that common for dogs to be allergic to food but it does happen. Good luck!

Oh yeah and when we see her licking and biting we tell her to stop, you can't watch them all the time but it is easy to tell them NO! when you see them doing it.
Reply:I wouldn't suggest putting any kind of spray like Bitter Apple on because those may irritate the skin more :( Ask the vet if they have any easy remedies. Sometimes a cold relaxing back can sooth itchy burning skin :)
Reply:put tobasco sauce or other spicy food he won't like on the limbs. He will associate the chewing (action) with the horrible taste (punishment) and then eventually stop it.

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