Thursday, May 7, 2009

My cat has been scratching himself raw and I was wondering if he might have dry skin or maybe and allergy?

He is a mostly black cat with some white, so you cant really see that he is getting raw but when you pet him he has scabs where he has dug, i have seen no fleas on him. but on the first of December he went to the vet and got fixed, but he never showed any signs before he went (that was his first vet visit) i am curious to know weather it may have been due to the flea treat ment they gave him or the soap they used when they bathed him? they also did an aids/lukemia test. if any one knows anything i appreciate it thankx Gracy

My cat has been scratching himself raw and I was wondering if he might have dry skin or maybe and allergy?
call the vet %26amp; let them know , it sounds like an allergy to me
Reply:Have you tried putting some bacertracin (sp) on him? That may help.
Reply:why have you not gone back to the vet? What ever you do DO NOT use a flea coller. They are useless. All they do is stop the fleas from reaching your pets head. And the eat away at their skin

VET. Plain and simple
Reply:If he's allergic to fleas, a single flea bite could make him itch like that. Some shampoos can do that, especially if it wasn't rinsed well. Frontline is pretty unlikely to cause that, but anything is possible. If they did an old-fashioned flea dip, that could DEFINITELY do that-flea dips are very harsh and drying to the skin. It seems a bit strange to me that they would bathe and fix him on the same day, because if you do the bath after, then the surgery site gets wet, and if you do it before, then you have a wet animal under anesthesia and a high risk of hypothermia. Might be worth taking him back to this vet, or to another vet for a second opinion.
Reply:Does it has pimples like thingies on the body? Did the pimples like thingies turn into scabs?

If so, it's probably allegric to food, environment or shampoo.

Did you just change its diet? Or change floor degerent? And does it have any danduff?
Reply:You should probably contact the vet and ask to come in or ask him what's wrong.
Reply:it sounds most likely to be 'flea allergic dermatitis' which just means allergic to fleas. one single bite from a flea can cause a reaction. they are allergic to the fleas saliva.

most common signs are scratching, balding around the tail and lower back. the scabs form due to the cat scratching and biting. even though you have not seen any fleas it still could be the problem as only one flea bite is needed. this reaction to flea saliva is becoming more and more common and just means that a good veterinary licensed, flea control product will need to be used during the course of the animals life.

this reaction is unlikely to be due to the flea control product placed on the animal nor the blood test for the felv/fiv test.

its worth taking the animal back for a check up and a different product may be needed. the vet can also check if any bathing,scrub solution was the cause.

sometimes a change in environment, household or other stress can cause the animal to self harm.

qualified veterinary nurse UK
Reply:Yeah, call the vet and ask what they used on him. Explain his symptoms. It may be an allergy to the flea treatment. Have you changed his food? Has anything changed in his life? Even things like a new cat in the neighborhood, (cat that comes around and looks in his window, or does your cat go out?) can cause a reaction thru the skin. Cats can be complicated. There are vets who specialize in the treatment of allergy.

I'd call or just take him back in. Poor Kitty.
Reply:Most common causes:

1) Allergy - to carpet powder, food, fleas, shampoo. Try changing one or all of these and see what works.

2) Try a liquid rub-on flea preventative instead of a collar. I never found a flea collar to work on dog or cat.

3) If nothing works, take to a vet and have skin tested for specific allergy. We had a dog once that was allergic to a specific kind of mold and tree.

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