Thursday, May 7, 2009

Best solution for dog's skin allergies?

switch to a non-corn based food for the dog.

Best solution for dog's skin allergies?
We give are dog Benadryl
Reply:Change his food to a premium brand (Nutro) and/or take him to the vet for a prescription.
Reply:dog shampoo and more fleas
Reply:My dog was allergic to his food which caused really irritated and itchy skin. Our vet recommended Nutro-Max dog food which is sold at Pet-Smart and Pet-Co.
Reply:Change His Food . If It Gets Worse Call Your Vet.
Reply:First rule out food allergies (wheat, corn, soy, beef) and put him on something like Wellness Simple Five.

Then give him a nice bath with Pyoben shampoo (which you can get from your vet around $11 a bottle).

Then give him benedryl. For a 50 lb dog he should take about 2 capsuls, maybe 3 if that doesn't stop the itching. It will make him drowsy if he takes too much.

Other than that your vet will prescribe steroids which aren't the greatest. Benedryl your dog can stay on for life without having adverse reactions
Reply:I swear by Science Diet "Sensitive Skin." Dogs can express food allergies as skin disorders. Taking your pup to a professional dog groomer on a regular basis and discussing your dog's special needs would help too. It may seem extravagant but you'll have one happy pup!
Reply:what ever the dog is alergic to don't let it be around it like what ever makes him have a alergic reaction
Reply:Benadryl works very well for pet allergies; I work at a Veterinarian and we prescribe it all the time for the dogs especially. It also depends on what your dog is allergic to, of course. If it's something in its food that's the cause, either switch to a different food, or buy a hypoallergenic food. Otherwise, keep your dog away from whatever it's allergic to as much as you can.

Also, if the allergies are exceptionally bad, I would recomment taking your dog to it's veterinarian; another common treatment is a cortisone injection, which can only be administered by a doctor. They may also prescribe a different kind of steroid if need be.
Reply:Mostly white dogs seems to have more skin allergies. Due to fleas are attracted to white. First and foremost never use a baby shampoo on your dog, it's very drying. It helps not to let them get wet from dew on grass. Don't bathe them to often. Try a dry shampoo. If they have so called hot spots there is a medicine you can buy right in the grocery stores..called Sulfadane. Bottom line tho is to check with a vet. Please please no Ole Roy dog food..*L*
Reply:Also, if you can afford it, your vet can get you an allergy solution. They will do a blood test to find out exactly what the dog is allergic to, and the solution is custom made for your dog. A small shot about every 2 weeks will keep allergies at bay remarkably well. You can learn to give them at home, and I promise, they are painless.

My dog took the shots for about a year, and I was able to wean her off of them eventually, and she does very well now. I've been told that eventually they build up enough immunity that the shots are no longer necessary. It's a little expensive, but definitely worth it.

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