Saturday, April 24, 2010

What possible skin allergies are caused by asthma and what are the treatments possible?

Hello jam

Kind of a difficult question to answer jam.

"Asthma" is a pulmonary(lung/airway) disorder, arising from inflammation or is termed "reactive airway disease".

As the term implies, the airways may and often do "react" to "allergic" (histamine) reactions but here are other"triggers" and don't respond to "antihistamines" as allergies do. These, then cause an inflammation in the medium size airways and they constrict by way of chemical mediators.

Although the skin and airways may react to allergens, the asthma does not cause the "skin allergy".

What you may be referring to is a reference "an atopic personality": These individuals tend to have bronchial asthma in addition to multiple allergies.

Hope that this helps to answer your question .

What possible skin allergies are caused by asthma and what are the treatments possible?
I'm not a nurse or dcotor but I've never heard of any skin allergies that are caused by asthma! If you're having skin allergies you should see a dermatologist!

Asthma, being a very deadly disease, the cure comes in the medical science from various medicines. It can be some pills or can be some inhalers.

But they will never cure it. They only subsides Asthma attack.

According the to the Ancient Indian Science, the cure lies in YOGA. If you have heard about Yoga, then you should be doing the Pranayama - Kapal Bhati and Anulom-Vilom.

Most of the Body ailments including that of Asthma can be cured completely by doing these Asanas.

You can log on to Baba Ramdev's Website to know more.



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